Friday, July 4, 2008

Mason Alexander Garrison

I Have not been the best at keeping the blog updated but I hope to get better. Missy has that talent and I can't keep up with her.
Mason is doing great and he is so precious. I am so excited that he looks like his momma!! He is such a good baby and yes he does more than just sleep. I actually have pictures with his eyes open.
He has such a laid back personality so far. I even had to ask the doctor if I should worry that he does not cry that much. His response was "Just wait."
Marleigh loves him and gives him kisses and hugs all day. She is so sweet with him and she keeps him entertained.
I hope everyone is doing well and have a great day.


Missy said...

Maymie watched this with me and said oh sweet- look that is a good one- oh Marleigh good share with your brother:) Great pictures!!! No worries about your blog if anyone wants to know what is going on --we are always together so they can check out mine:) Great job!!!!

Meredith said...

So proud of the update!! He really is handsome! Marleigh is getting so big too. I love keeping up with them through the blogs. (and of course through our very interesting daily calls) I miss you and cannot wait to see them in person!

andrea said...

I love the pics of him with his beautiful eyes open ;)

You have 2 gorgeous children ma'am!

A. Billie and Babe said...

Great job Mom -- loved the pictures. Keep up the good work. Mason is really a beauty just like his mama.
love and kisses

Stacey said...

Great pics. What a sweet family. Love the update. I totally understand you not having time. I am not very good and I just have one!

Anonymous said...

What sweet pictures...:) They are both beautiful!

joyce klein said...

What adorable pictures, I love to look at everyone blogs to see the kids