Monday, May 12, 2008

Happy Mothers Day

I hope everyone had a Happy Mothers Day. Mark asked me what I wanted to do and my crazy response was "lets go hiking!" Yes at 35 weeks pregnant I decide we should go for a walk in the woods. We drove to MountEagle and hiked almost a mile. I thought I could make it more but an extra 25 pounds said otherwise. It was great and Marleigh loved riding on Daddy's back. She is destined to be a little nature girl. We made it home after missing a turn, but had the chance to drive through beautiful country towns.
We had a wonderful time at Missy's house and Madden is learning to tolerate the two wild girls. We almost got a picture with Nanny.
It was my perfect day. Thank you Mark and Marleigh for making my day so special.


A. Billie and Babe said...

I say again, what a cutey pie. She gets preetier every day. I know Mama felt like she was in heaven with the precious children surrounding her.
Leigh,you are so photogenic, Marleigh is following in your footsteps. Mark, you looked happy hiking in the woods with your two girls.
love and kisses

Meredith said...

This was super great. almost made me shed a tear. You and Marleigh looked so beautiful. (Especially in front of the water on your hike!) I miss you!

Missy said...

Lets slow down for a while:) No more hikes-- at least not for couple more weeks!The kids are going to love the great outdoors!